If you would like to provide services in Germany on a temporary basis

Skilled crafts businesses from the EU that wish to provide services in Germany in one of the regulated professions listed in Annex A on a temporary basis only, are obliged to first register with the Chamber of Skilled Crafts (Notification of Services). Skilled crafts businesses from the EU that wish to provide services in Germany in one of the professions listed in Annexes B1 and B2 on a temporary basis only, are not required to register.

Registration should be carried out at the Chamber of Skilled Crafts in the district in which the services will initially be rendered.


The Chamber of Skilled Crafts will check the qualification of the owner of the business or the operations manager before issuing an EU-certificate. The certificate serves as proof for foreign businesses that they may pursue the regulated profession in Germany and must be available for inspection at all times. It is valid for 12 months, after which it must be extended.

The EU-certificate is generally subject to a charge. The fee charged by the Handwerkskammer Flensburg is 102,00 Euros. The extension is free of charge.

The issuing of an EU-certificate requires that you (the owner of the business) or your operations manager are suitably qualified. How you can prove this depends on whether or not the profession is regulated in your country of origin.

Forms must be filled in German only. All documents submitted must consist of certified copies together with certified German translations.

Download pdf pdf Anzeige Dienstleistungen nach §§ 8_7 EU EWR HwV englisch (105,44 KB)

The profession is regulated in your country of origin

In this case please provide proof of the fact that you are qualified in your country of origin. Documents to be submitted:

  • Application form
  • Copy of applicant’s identity document
  • Excerpt from Commercial Register
  • EU-certificate
  • Proof of licensing in country of origin

All documents submitted must consist of certified copies together with certified German translations.

The profession is not regulated in your country of origin

In this case, please provide proof that you completed formal vocational training in this profession. If you are unable to provide such proof, please provide proof that you gained at least one year´s work experience in this profession in the last ten years. Documents to be submitted:

  • Application form
  • Copy of applicant’s identity document
  • Excerpt from Commercial Register
  • EU-certificate
  • Copy of apprenticeship diploma or alternative proof of work experience

All documents submitted must consist of certified copies together with certified German translations.


Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to find out in advance what documents can be recognised. We speak German, English and Danish.

Please contact:

Handwerkskammer Flensburg
Handwerksrolle wegen Dienstleistungsanzeige
Johanniskirchhof 1-7
24937 Flensburg
+49 461 866-0

E-Mail: info@hwk-flensburg.de

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